Comprehensive support for bankruptcy procedures.

Tracing assets and challenging transactions.

Subsidiary liability and damages recovery.

Protection of arbitration managers.
Assistance in finding a compromise at the pre-trial stage and support during legal proceedings.

Protecting minority owners.

Restoring corporate control.
Handling complex conflicts, including numerous related litigation cases at the intersection of bankruptcy, corporate law, and criminal prosecution.
Family office services.

Structuring asset ownership.

Protection from loss recovery and subsidiary liability.

Comprehensive protection during legal proceedings.
Supporting medium and large companies on current business issues.

Negotiated and existing contracts legal audit.


Handling commercial and government disputes.
Anti-crisis management of stressful assets.

Comprehensive support for purchase and sale transactions.
Recovery of works costs performed but not accepted.

Recovery of losses from the contractor.

Warranty disputes.


Corporate disputes
Construction disputes
Complex disputes
Commercial practice
Stressed assets
Complex bankruptcies and litigation, investments, and beneficiaries' protection strategies.
Beneficiaries' protection
Сопровождение процедуры банкротства лидера российского рынка по производству полимерной упаковки и гибких упаковочных материалов, а также сделки по продаже активов предприятия инвестору. В результате мероприятий, реализованных в процедуре наблюдения, акции компании были проданы инвестору, в деле о банкротстве было заключено мировое соглашение с суммой выплат кредиторам более 3 млрд рублей.
Банкротство ТИКО-Пластик
Подготовка и сопровождение сделки по продаже инвестору 5-звездочного гостиничного комплекса рыночной стоимостью 1,5 млрд рублей в процедуре банкротства застройщика из Московской области, финансируемой Банком Траст.
Продажа гостиничного комплекса в банкротстве застройщика
Сопровождение банкротства крупнейшего застройщика Саратовской области со стоимостью активов более 700 млн рублей, осложненное обязательствами по совместному строительству объектов с двумя другими застройщиками.
Банкротство застройщика
Защита руководителя одной из крупнейших в Самарском регионе страховых организаций от субсидиарной ответственности в размере более 650 млн рублей в споре против Агентства по страхованию вкладов.
Защита от субсидиарки на 650 млн рублей
Сопровождение нескольких процедур банкротства с целью выведения из кризисного состояния крупного агрохолдинга Вологодской области. Участие в проекте реализовано на стороне инвестора – одного из крупнейших сельхозпредприятий в Вологодской области, входящего в рейтинг самых цифровизованных хозяйств в России и насчитывающего более 1300 голов крупного рогатого скота и 2800 гектаров сельскохозяйственных земель при балансовой стоимости активов более 500 млн рублей.
Банкротство агрохолдинга
Сопровождение сделки по продаже в банкротстве инвестору завода цветного литья со стоимостью активов более 1 млрд рублей, уникальным производством, прямыми контрактами с Leroy Merlin и Castorama. Работа над проектом включала курирование процесса консервации, подготовки и инвентаризации оборудования для последующей передачи покупателю с соблюдением соответствующих нормативов в части реализации токсичных веществ.
Антикризисное управление
и продажа завода цветного литья
Представление интересов АО НИИК, крупнейшего российского инжинирингового предприятия нефтегазовой отрасли, в арбитражных судах и МКАС при ТПП РФ в спорах с ПАО Метафракс Кемикалс и ПАО Сбербанк о признании недействительными требований по банковским гарантиям на сумму более 700 млн рублей и взыскании неосновательного обогащения.
НИИК vs Метафракс Кемикалс
Защита от субсидиарки на 1,7 млрд рублей
Успешное завершение спора о привлечении к субсидиарной ответственности на 1,7 млрд рублей. В привлечении к ответственности бенефициара застройщика из Московской области в деле о банкротстве его дочерней компании было отказано.
Консультирование дочерней компании мирового лидера по производству композитных газовых баллонов по вопросам реструктуризации российских активов, корпоративного управления, валютного и санкционного законодательства.
Консультирование дочерних компаний международного поставщика компонентов для автомобильной промышленности по вопросам передачи российских активов локальному менеджменту.
агрофирма птицефабрика
Anti-crisis management of stressful assets.

Comprehensive support for purchase and sale transactions.
Supporting medium and large companies on current business issues.

Negotiated and existing contracts legal audit.


Handling commercial and government disputes.
Recovery of works costs performed but not accepted.

Recovery of losses from the contractor.

Warranty disputes.
Family office services.

Structuring asset ownership.

Protection from loss recovery and subsidiary liability.

Comprehensive protection during legal proceedings.
Assistance in finding a compromise at the pre-trial stage and support during legal proceedings.

Protecting minority owners.

Restoring corporate control.
Comprehensive support for bankruptcy procedures.

Tracing assets and challenging transactions.

Subsidiary liability and damages recovery.

Protection of arbitration managers.
Corporate disputes
Complex disputes
Commercial practice
Stressed assets
Complex bankruptcies and litigation, investments, and beneficiaries' protection strategies.
Beneficiaries' protection
Handling complex conflicts, including numerous related litigation cases at the intersection of bankruptcy, corporate law, and criminal prosecution.
Construction disputes
агрофирма птицефабрика
Key projects
Preparing and supporting the sale of a 5-star hotel complex with a market value of RUB 1.5 billion to an investor in bankruptcy proceedings of a Moscow Region developer financed by Trust Bank.
Sale of a hotel complex in bankruptcy of the developer
Handling of the bankruptcy of the largest developer in the Saratov region with an asset value of over RUB 700 million, complicated by obligations to jointly build facilities with two other developers.
Bankruptcy of a developer
Successfully protected top manager of one of the major insurers in Samara region from subsidiary liability for over 650 mln RUB in a litigation with a state Deposit Insurance Agency.
650 mln RUB subsidiary liability defense
We supported complex bankruptcy procedures to bring a large agricultural holding in the Vologda region out of crisis. Participation in the project was implemented on the side of the investor – one of the largest and most digitized farms in Russia, that counts 1300 heads of cattle, 2800 hectares of agricultural land and assets net over 500 million rubles.
Bankruptcy of an agricultural holding company
Supported bankruptcy and sale of a unique metal products and alloys plant valued over 1 billion rubles to an investor. Asset included unique production facilities, direct contracts with Leroy Merlin and Castorama. We handled settling the liabilities, supervising the process of plant conservation, preparation, and inventory of equipment for transfer to the buyer while complying with regulations on the sale of toxic substances.
Anti-crisis management and sale of metal production plant
1,7 bn RUB subsidiary liability defense
Successfully protected Moscow region developer's beneficiary from subsidiary liability for over 1,7 bn RUB while closing the bankruptcy case of developer's affiliate.
Key clients
Consulted world's leading manufacturer of composite gas tanks on restructuring of Russian assets and corporate control, currency, and sanctions legislation.
Consulted European manufacturer of automotive components on sanctions restrictions and restructuring assets in Russia.
Consulting gas equipment manufacturer
Auto parts manufacturer consulting
Using bankruptcy mechanisms, we withdrew a major energy sales market player from a cash gap what resulted in repayment of over 1 billion rubles of accounts payable and collection of over 2 billion rubles of accounts receivable.
Anti-crisis management of an energy sales project
Key projects
Supporting Russian plastic and flexible packaging materials market leader in bankruptcy and following sales of his assets to an investor resulted in a new life for the company and its creditors.
Settlement agreement we negotiated became a win-win for all parties involved and allowed creditors to receive over RUB 3 billion.
Bankruptcy of a plastic packaging manufacturer
Preparing and supporting the sale of a 5-star hotel complex with a market value of RUB 1.5 billion to an investor in bankruptcy proceedings of a Moscow Region developer financed by Trust Bank.
Sale of a hotel complex in bankruptcy of the developer
Handling of the bankruptcy of the largest developer in the Saratov region with an asset value of over RUB 700 million, complicated by obligations to jointly build facilities with two other developers.
Bankruptcy of a developer
Successfully protected top manager of one of the major insurers in Samara region from subsidiary liability for over 650 mln RUB in a litigation with a state Deposit Insurance Agency.
650 mln RUB subsidiary liability defense
We supported complex bankruptcy procedures to bring a large agricultural holding in the Vologda region out of crisis. Participation in the project was implemented on the side of the investor – one of the largest and most digitized farms in Russia, that counts 1300 heads of cattle, 2800 hectares of agricultural land and assets net over 500 million rubles.
Bankruptcy of an agricultural holding company
Supported bankruptcy and sale of a unique metal products and alloys plant valued over 1 billion rubles to an investor. Asset included unique production facilities, direct contracts with Leroy Merlin and Castorama. We handled settling the liabilities, supervising the process of plant conservation, preparation, and inventory of equipment for transfer to the buyer while complying with regulations on the sale of toxic substances.
Anti-crisis management and sale of metal production plant
Representing Russia's largest gas chemical engineering company in arbitration proceedings against Sberbank over invalidation of claims for bank guarantees for over RUB 700 million and recovery of unjust enrichment.
Supporting a high-profile dispute over the payment of bank guarantees
Key clients
1,7 bn RUB subsidiary liability defense
Successfully protected Moscow region developer's beneficiary from subsidiary liability for over 1,7 bn RUB while closing the bankruptcy case of developer's affiliate.
Consulting gas equipment manufacturer
Consulted world's leading manufacturer of composite gas tanks on restructuring of Russian assets and corporate control, currency, and sanctions legislation.
Auto parts manufacturer consulting
Consulted European manufacturer of automotive components on sanctions restrictions and restructuring assets in Russia.
агрофирма птицефабрика
Using bankruptcy mechanisms, we withdrew a major energy sales market player from a cash gap what resulted in repayment of over 1 billion rubles of accounts payable and collection of over 2 billion rubles of accounts receivable.
Anti-crisis management of an energy sales project